MSubs’ Unmanned Vehicles are designed to be affordable and easy to operate and maintain. Our UUV hull designs are based on our manned submersibles, enabling most systems and components to be within the pressure hull. This enables MSubs UUV’s to be maintained and replenished without recovery, reducing turnaround time. Additionally, by utilising Submergence Group’s SUBNAVSYS integrated bridge system, MSubs’ larger UUVs can be operated either manned or unmanned.
MSubs is also the distributer of Martac Mantas hybrid and surface ASV’s. The range spans from the lightweight and readily portable to extreme-performance, large-payload, ocean-going vessels.
MSUBS is a leader in UUV technology and has amassed an enviable portfolio of successfully delivered projects for Maritime Protection and Naval Defence applications.

The Mobile Anti-Submarine Training Target (MASTT) Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) was built in response to the US Navy’s request for a rapid prototype, low cost UUV for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) training. It also provides an optimum platform for conducting threat detection analysis training as well as countermeasure and torpedo system testing.

MORAY is a multi-role XLUUV system designed for sea-denial and maritime domain awareness operations. Modular in design, it can be configured for specific ASW, ASuW, MCM, ISR offensive and defensive roles in all threat environments. An inherently covert sensor, MORAY draws on proven in-service technologies to deliver a versatile force multiplier at a fraction of the cost of a manned system.

The Mobile Under Sea Test Laboratory (MUST) Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) was developed and built by modifying and updating a decommissioned, large diameter UUV previously built and operated by Lockheed Martin. MUST was re-launched in September 2012 and participated in a week long Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) exercise with the Royal Navy.

S201 is an 8.9 tonne vehicle intended for 48hr operation at depths up to 305m. This project is an example of our rapid prototyping capabilities. From outline specification to launch took just 14 months. Dived performance is maximised by attention to streamlining of the outer hull and by the use of advanced motor technology to directly drive the main propeller.
Pioneering, AI-Powered, fully-autonomous, surface vessels.

Mayflower Autonomous Ship
MSubs is proud to be playing a leading role in the Mayflower Autonomous Ship project that aims to complete the first fully-autonomous crossing of the Atlantic in early 2021. Sister-company Marine AI, partnered with IBM, is providing the ground-breaking AI software while MSubs is providing the design, engineering and manufacturing.